Office of Emergency Management

Request Info
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General Emergency Preparedness Information

The University has multiple preparedness programs that you may not be aware of, but could benefit from. For more information on each, visit: or contact your Campus Emergency Management.

  • Emergency Flip Guides.
  • Emergency Notification Network (ENN).
  • Government Emergency Telecommunications Service (GETS).
  • University of Miami Response Team (UMRT), Miami-Dade County Medical Reserve Corps (MDC-MRC).
  • Closed Point of Dispensing (POD).
  • Emergency Satellite Phones.
  • Miami-Dade County Office of Emergency Management (MDC-OEM)/ Emergency Operations Center (EOC) Partnership.
  • Miami-Dade County Health Department Hospital Preparedness Consortium (MDCHD-HPC) Partnership.
  • Canes Emergency Response Team (CERT).
  • Critical Equipment Alarms and Monitoring.

Important Emergency Preparedness & Campus Safety Resources University Wide:

Emergency Management & Campus Safety Resources

UM Counseling Center (Student & Employee) Resources / Services

WeatherSTEM On Campus Weather Stations

Continuity Planning

Each Unit/ Sub-Unit within the University must create their own Disaster and Emergency Continuity Plan within the UReady system, then review, update and enhance it every year by the December 1st deadline.

The leader of the Unit/ Sub-Unit is ultimately responsible for assuring review, update and enhancement of the plan each year, but may assign one or more delegates to facilitate the process. Use of UReady requires no specialized training or knowledge of disaster planning. The system simply asks the user(s) a series of questions, and based on the responses, automatically builds the plan.

Accessing and using UReady:

UReady is accessed through the internet website: The website has more information about the system, user help, and a link to the login screen. Any University personnel with a Cane ID and password can login; however, access to each plan is restricted to individuals authorized by each Unit/ Sub-Unit. Users who have issues accessing their Unit/ Sub-Unit plan should contact their Campus Emergency Manager listed at the bottom of this document.

** Units/ Sub-Units that perform critical functions in collaboration with other Units/ Sub-Units should be familiar with their collaborator’s UReady plan. It is recommended that such Units/ Sub-Units share review-only access to each other’s UReady plans.

Marking Your Annual Review Complete:

Each Unit/ Sub-Unit UReady plan must be marked “complete” once it is reviewed, updated and enhanced by December 1st every year. On the Plan Home tab, select the “Instructions for Annual Review Sign-Off” button and follow the prompts to mark the plan complete.

Keeping a UReady Plan Accessible:

Although the UReady system is electronically secured and backed up in multiple locations both locally and outside the geographic region, there is a potential for computers and network connections to fail during disasters. As a result it is recommended that all Units/ Sub-Units keep their plan accessible in the following ways:

  • Download the UReady plan as a pdf, through the Printing Menu on the Plan Home tab, and save it to a shared network drive and on other media that can be kept in multiple secured (locked) locations on and off campus.
  • Print the UReady plan, through the Printing Menu on the Plan Home tab, and keep at least three hard copies in secured (locked) locations on and off campus.

