
Rosenstiel School Faculty

Falk C Amelung


(305) 421-4949
Professor Falk Amelung got his MSc and PhD in geophysics at the University of Muenster, Germany and University of Strasbourg, France, respectively. After a few years at Stanford University and at the University of Hawai’i he moved to the University of Miami in 2002. For his research he uses satellite-based Interferometric Synthetic...

Kilan C Ashad-Bishop

Asst. Professor

(305) 421-4012
Kilan Bishop (she/her) is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Environmental Science and Policy at the University of Miami Rosenstiel School of Marine, Atmospheric, & Earth Science. She is an interdisciplinary health scientist interested in how social-environmental factors pattern and exacerbate health disparities. Her...

Elliot L Atlas

Professor Emeritus

(305) 450-5319
My research interests are in the sources, transport, and transformation of atmospheric trace gases in the global atmosphere. This work has a primary focus on trace gases and aerosols associated with the formation and destruction of ozone in the atmosphere. The research involves development and application of advanced trace gas sampling and...

Jerald Stephen Ault

Professor Emeritus

(305) 421-4884
Jerald S. Ault is a Professor of Environmental Science and Policy at the University of Miami’s Rosenstiel School of Marine, Atmospheric and Earth Science. Dr. Ault is an internationally renowned fisheries scientist specializing in population dynamics, predictive analytics, machine learning, sampling design, ecosystem...

Roni Avissar

Dean, Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science

(305) 421-4000
Roni Avissar, Ph.D., became dean of the Rosenstiel School of Marine, Atmospheric, and Earth Science in 2009. Dr. Avissar is an internationally recognized atmospheric scientist who has started his career in academia in 1989.  His research has been widely published in peer-reviewed journals and he has pioneered the development and...

Elizabeth A Babcock

Associate Dean, Graduate Studies
Associate Dean, Master of Professional Science

(305) 421-4852
Position and Research Expertise Beth Babcock is a Professor of Marine Biology and Ecology at the University of Miami’s Rosenstiel School of Marine, Atmospheric, and Earth Science. She is an expert on fish population dynamics, quantitative ecology and fisheries management. Teaching and Mentoring Babcock teaches graduate course on...

Andrew Baker


(305) 421-4642
Professor Andrew Baker is a marine biologist whose research focuses on coral reefs and climate change. He directs the Coral Reef Futures Lab at the University of Miami’s Rosenstiel School of Marine Atmospheric, and Earth Science, focusing on the development and testing of methods to increase coral reef resilience. He also...

Lisa Beal


(305) 421-4093
Lisa Beal is a Professor of Oceanography in the Ocean Sciences department at the University of Miami’s Rosenstiel School of Marine, Atmospheric, and Earth Science. She is an expert on the Agulhas system of currents around South Africa and has brought recognition to the key role this system plays in a warming climate...

Emily Becker

Research Assoc. Professor

(301) 922-6435
Dr. Emily Becker is a Research Associate Professor in the Department of Atmospheric Sciences at the University of Miami’s Rosenstiel School of Marine, Atmospheric, and Earth Science and the Associate Director of UM’s Cooperative Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Studies (CIMAS). She received her Bachelor of Science in...

Daniel Domingues Benetti

Director of Aquaculture

(305) 421-4889
Besides my academic and research credentials, I have extensive international professional experience, having worked, consulted, and established research, commercial and educational programs and projects for the private and government sectors in > 20 countries throughout 5 continents over the last 30 years. Expertise in obtaining funding,...

Francisco J Beron-Vera

Research Professor

(305) 421-4873
Position and Research Expertise Francisco Javier Beron-Vera is a Research Associate Professor in the Department of Atmospheric Sciences at the Rosenstiel School. He uses concepts from the theory of nonlinear dynamical systems to study transport and mixing processes in geophysical flows. Accomplishments Beron-Vera has been known for his...

Larry E. Brand


(305) 421-4138
Physiology, ecology and evolution of phytoplankton

Kenneth Broad


(305) 421-4851
Dr. Kenneth Broad is Director of the Leonard and Jayne Abess Center for Ecosystem Science and Policy and Professor in the Department of Environmental Science and Policy at UM's Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science. Additionally, he holds a joint appointment at Columbia University, where he serves as Co-Director of the Center...

Maria C. Cartolano


(305) 421-4346
Dr. Maria Cartolano is a Lecturer of Marine Biology and Ecology at the University of Miami’s Rosenstiel School of Marine, Atmospheric, and Earth Science. She serves as the track coordinator Marine Mammal Science (MMS) track of the Masters of Professional Science (MPS) program. Her research interests include marine vertebrate...

Ved Chirayath

Assoc. Professor
Vetlesen Endowed Chair of Earth Sciences, Department of Ocean Science
Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, Secondary Appointment
Director, Aircraft Center for Earth Studies (ACES)

Ved Chirayath is the Vetlesen Endowed Chair of Earth Sciences, a National Geographic Explorer, and the inaugural director of the Aircraft Center for Earth Studies (ACES) at the University of Miami's Rosenstiel School, with a secondary appointment in the Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering. Chirayath's research focuses...

Angela C Clark

Librarian Professor

(305) 421-4021
Angela Clark has over thirty five years of experience working in academic libraries.  She has a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology from Georgia State University and received her Master’s in Library and Information Science from Simmons College (now Simmons University) in Boston, Massachusetts. She joined the faculty of...

Amy C Clement


(305) 421-4846
Dr.  Amy Clement earned her Bachelor of Science degree in Physics from Columbia College, and Ph.D. from the Department of Earth and Environmental Science at Columbia University, where she studied climate dynamics on multiple timescales, from the glacial period to future climate change. After a postdoctoral fellowship at the University...

Hilary Close

Associate Professor

(305) 421-4306 x54306
I am a marine organic geochemist, broadly interested in picking apart the processes of production, physical movement or mixing, and degradation of organic matter in complex natural environments, with a goal toward understanding how ecological change translates into larger-scale effects on the marine carbon cycle. One of my main...

Richard Coleman

Asst. Professor

(305) 421-4986
Richard Coleman is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Marine Biology and Ecology. His research focuses on the evolution and ecology of marine fishes. His research program uses genomics and field surveys to study the spatial scale of populations, the role of ecology and biology on species distrbutions, and the mechanisms that facilitate...

Ana Costa


(305) 284-8376
Ana Costa, Ph.D. is a Lecturer of Marine Biology and Ecology at the University of Miami’s Rosenstiel School of Marine, Atmospheric, and Earth Science. She is a specialist in marine mammalogy, with almost two decades of experience working in the field. Research As a researcher, Ana Costa uses an interdisciplinary approach (based on...

Kelly Jean Cox


Kelly Cox is an environmental attorney and advocate. Since 2017, Cox has been a faculty member at the University of Miami's Rosenstiel School of Marine, Atmospheric, and Earth Science, where she teaches classes in Environmental Law and Policy. She is a member of the University of Miami's School of Law Environmental Law Program...

Douglas L Crawford


(305) 421-4121
My academic interests are to understand the basic properties of adaptation (e.g., the importance of standing genetic variation, are many of loci involved in adaptation, are there conserved pathways to resolve specific selective pressures,etc.).  Knowing this information provides insights into human health and diseases and how organisms...

Milan Curcic

Asst. Professor

(305) 898-9770
Milan studies the physics of ocean waves and their role in the Earth system using theory, experimentation, and numerical modeling.

Evan K D'Alessandro

Senior Lecturer
Director, Master of Professional Science Program

(305) 421-4848
Dr. Evan K. D’Alessandro is a lecturer and the director of the Master of Professional Science degree at the University of Miami. His area of expertise is coral reef fish ecology, particularly early life stages, but his research extends into many aspects of marine fish ecology. These include the ecology of mangrove associated fishes,...

William Melville Drennan


(305) 421-4798
Dr. Drennan earned his Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics at the University of Waterloo in 1989. Following almost a decade working on the Great Lakes, he joined the Rosenstiel School faculty in 1997.  His research focuses on air-sea interaction, including surface waves, flows in the boundary layers on both sides of the air-sea interface, and...

Gregor Paul Eberli

and Robert N. Ginsburg Endowed Chair in Marine Geosciences

(305) 421-4678
Gregor Eberli has spent much of his science career exploring the earth’s sediments as recorders of environmental changes. A native of Switzerland, Eberli received his doctorate from Swiss Institute of Technology (ETH) Zürich in 1985. A grant from the Swiss National Science Foundation allowed him to pursue postdoctoral studies...

Shane Elipot

Research Associate Professor

(305) 421-4630
Shane Elipot is a physical oceanographer in the Department of Ocean Sciences at the Rosenstiel School of Marine, Atmospheric, and Earth Science at the University of Miami. Shane Elipot uses observational and modeled data to conduct research in oceanography, focusing on atmosphere-ocean interactions, oceanic surface boundary layer dynamics, and...

Rana A. Fine

Professor Emeritus

(305) 421-4722
My research focuses on how natural and anthropogenic climate change affects ocean ventilation, which is ocean uptake of atmospheric gases such as oxygen and CO2. It is known that a warming ocean will take up less atmospheric gas and increase ocean stratification, which will decrease mixing. However, there are natural processes that can counter...

Michael Scott Fischer

Asst. Professor

Michael Fischer is an Assistant Professor with a joint appointment between the Department of Atmospheric Sciences at the University of Miami’s Rosenstiel School of Marine, Atmospheric, and Earth Science and the Frost Institute for Data Science and Computing (IDSC). His research seeks to better understand tropical cyclone structure and...

Cassandra J. Gaston

Associate Professor

(305) 421-4979
Cassandra Gaston and her group are interested in the physicochemical properties of aerosols that critically impact Earth’s climate, ecosystem health, carbon cycling, and human health, yet many aspects of these processes remain poorly constrained. Much of her research is focused on Saharan dust aerosols that are transported to...

Sam Goldberg

Asst. Professor

Sam Goldberg is an assistant professor jointly appointed in the Department of Marine Geosciences at the Rosenstiel School and in the Institute for Data Science and Computing. Sam is a geologist and geomorphologist who studies the evolution of Earth’s landscapes and surface environments, their responses to past climate change, and their...

Hans C Graber


(305) 421-4952
Surface wave dynamics, microwave remote sensing of ocean processes, air-sea interaction and boundary-layer dynamics.

Martin Grosell

Maytag Professor of Ichthyology
Chair of the Department of Marine Biology and Ecology

(305) 421-4623
Martin Grosell, PhD is the lead PI and director of the GoMRI funded research consortium RECOVER (http://recover.rsmas.miami.edu/). Dr. Grosell is a Maytag professor of ichthyology with specialty in environmental physiology and toxicology at the University of Miami’s Rosenstiel School of Marine, Atmospheric, and Earth Sciences in the...

Rebecca Gruby

Robert K. Johnson Professor of Marine Conservation

Rebecca Gruby (she/her) is the Robert K. Johnson Professor of Marine Conservation in the Department of Environmental Science and Policy, and the Director of the Johnson Center for Marine Conservation. Dr. Gruby is an interdisciplinary social scientist focused on marine conservation and governance – the rules, processes,...

Dennis A Hansell


(305) 421-4078
Dennis A. Hansell is a professor in the Department of Ocean Sciences at the Rosenstiel School. His research interests are in the biogeochemistry of the major elements (such as carbon and nitrogen), primarily conducted by inferring the biological processing of those elements from their spatial and temporal variations. Hansell teaches courses in...

Jim Happell

Research Assoc. Professor

(305) 421-4111
One of my research interests involves the use of transient tracers, such as chlorofluorocarbons and tritium, to determine groundwater flow patterns and rates. I am also interested in the role of soils in the global budget of halogenated atmospheric trace gases. I am currently conducting a project that is focusing on obtaining a better estimate...

Brian K Haus


(305) 421-4932
Experimental studies of coastal ocean surface currents for application to oil spill transport prediction and response (CARTHE); radar remote sensing of oceanographic processes from satellites in collaboration with CSTARS and from coastal radars (http://iwave.rsmas.miami.edu); shelf and inlet dynamics; wave-current interactions;...

Keene Haywood

Senior Lecturer
MPS Exploration Science Track Coordinator

(305) 284-1781
Citizen science, applications of technology to exploration, video production and multimedia in science communication, and geospatial technologies. Dr. Keene Haywood is directing the Exploration Science program through the Abess Center for Ecosystem Science and Policy. His background is mixture of media production, conservation, geospatial and...

Rachael M. Heuer

Research Asst. Professor

(305) 421-4004
Dr. Rachael Heuer is a Research Assistant Professor in the Department of Marine Biology and Ecology. She studies the impacts of climate change stressors (ocean acidification and temperature) and crude oil on the physiology of marine fish and invertebrates.  

Adam Francis Holt

Asst. Professor

(305) 421-5345
I am an Assistant Professor in the Department of Marine Geosciences (MGS) at UM’s Rosenstiel School of Marine, Atmospheric, and Earth Science.  I am a Geodynamicist who studies the deformation occurring at plate boundaries and within the underlying, flowing mantle. In order to constrain the fundamental properties of...

Anthony Joseph Hynes


(305) 421-4173
Teaching and Mentoring Hynes teaches undergraduate courses on atmospheric science, atmospheric and environmental chemistry and also “Molecules of Life”. This class is team taught with Professor Mike Gaines from the Department of Biology and it explores the modern science of biological molecules, which occurs at the...

Mohamed Iskandarani


(305) 421-4045
Mohamed Iskandarani is a Professor of Oceanography in the Department of Ocean Sciences at the University of Miami’s Rosenstiel School of Marine, Atmospheric, and Earth Science. He also holds an adjunct faculty position in the department of Computer Science. His expertise revolves around the development of new computational methods and...

Jennifer Jacquet


Jennifer Jacquet (https://jenniferjacquet.com/) is interested in globalized cooperation dilemmas, such as climate change and the exploitation of wild animals via fishing and the Internet wildlife trade. She is particularly interested in the role of social approval in encouraging cooperation, and is the author of Is Shame...

William E Johns


(305) 421-4054
Dr. Johns is a seagoing oceanographer specializing in the use of long-term moored instrumentation to study ocean circulation. His research involves studies of the large-scale wind-driven circulation, with emphasis on the dynamics of western boundary currents, and on deep flows related to the global thermohaline circulation and climate...

Igor Kamenkovich

Chair of the Department of Ocean Sciences

(305) 421-4108
Igor Kamenkovich is the Chair and Professor of Oceanography in the Ocean Sciences Department at the University of Miami’s Rosenstiel School of Marine, Atmospheric, and Earth Science. Kamenkovich is studying ocean dynamics and its role in climate, and his research has focused on mesoscale (tens to hundreds of kilometers) and large-scale...

Benjamin Kirtman

William R Middelthon III Endowed Chair of Earth Sciences
Director: Cooperative Institute for Marine & Atmospheric Studies (CIMAS)
Deputy Director: Frost Institute for Data Science and Computing (IDSC)
Program Director: IDSC Earth Systems

(305) 421-4046
Position and Research Expertise Ben Kirtman is a Professor of Atmospheric Sciences at the University of Miami’s Rosenstiel School of Marine, Atmospheric, and Earth Science. He uses atmosphere-ocean general circulation models to study the predictability and variability of the Earth’s climate system. Teaching and...

James Klaus

Assoc. Professor

(305) 284-6792
Associate Professor, Department of Marine Geosciences, Rosenstiel School of Marine, Atmospheric, and Earth Sciences

Vassiliki H. Kourafalou

Research Professor

(305) 421-4905
Villy Kourafalou is a Research Professor at the Department of Ocean Sciences in the University of Miami’s Rosenstiel School of Marine, Atmospheric, and Earth Science. She is an expert in coastal dynamics, extending to the shelf break processes and interaction with oceanic flows.  Kourafalou has taught courses on Coastal...

Chris Langdon


(305) 421-4614
Langdon studies the biology and ecology of corals with an emphasis on their responses to ocean warming and acidification. Courses taught include MSC 232 Marine Biology Lab, MSC409 Climate Change: Limits of Marine Invertebrate Adaptability, MBE 615 Tropical Marine Ecology, and MBE 621 Field Techniques and Instrumentation in Tropical...

David Letson


(305) 421-4733
David Letson is Professor of Environmental Science and Policy at the University of Miami, where he has worked since 1995. His research focuses on the economics of extreme weather and climate variations. He is interested in the value of predictions from the geosciences and in how those predictions are interpreted and used.Letson obtained his...

Guoqing Lin


(305) 421-4150
Dr. Guoqing Lin is a Professor of Geophysics in the Department of Marine Geosciences at the University of Miami’s Rosenstiel School of Marine, Atmospheric, and Earth Science. With a Ph.D. from the Scripps Institution of Oceanography at UC San Diego, she specializes in seismic imaging, earthquake dynamics, and volcanic processes,...

Bethan Linscott

Research Asst. Professor

(305) 421-4317
Bethan Linscott (she/her) is a Research Assistant Professor in Sea Turtle Conservation in the Robert K. Johnson Center for Marine Conservation and Department of Environmental Science and Policy. With a background in archaeology, she specialises in the use of isotopic techniques to investigate the relationships between people, animals, and their...

Diego Lirman

Assoc. Professor

(305) 421-4168
Diego Lirman currently works at the Department of Marine Biology & Ecology, University of Miami. Diego does research in Phycology, Marine Biology and Ecology. Their current project is 'Rescue A Reef Citizen Science Program.

Catherine Macdonald

Research Asst. Professor

(305) 421-4083
Dr. Catherine Macdonald is an interdisciplinary environmental scientist and Research Assistant Professor at the Rosenstiel School of Marine, Atmospheric, and Earth Science at the University of Miami. She is the Track Coordinator for the Marine Conservation track of the Masters of Professional Science Program, and teaches courses in...

Katharine Mach

Chair of the Department of Environmental Science and Policy

(305) 421-4741
Katharine Mach is professor and chair of the Department of Environmental Science and Policy at the University of Miami Rosenstiel School of Marine, Atmospheric, & Earth Science. Her research assesses climate-related risks and response options to address increased flooding, extreme heat, wildfire, and other hazards. Through innovative...

Sharanya J Majumdar


(305) 421-4779
Professor Majumdar and his research group investigate tropical cyclone predictability, including genesis, intensification, structure, sensitivity, data assimilation, and risk communication.  He has developed courses on predictability and tropical meteorology, served as a Graduate Program Director and Associate Dean of Graduate Studies,...

Brian Earle Mapes


(305) 421-4275
Position and Research Expertise Brian Mapes is a Professor in the Department of Atmospheric Sciences at the University of Miami’s  Rosenstiel School of Marine, Atmospheric, and Earth Science. Mapes is an expert on atmospheric dynamics and thermodynamics, especially interactions between cloudy convection and larger-scale...

Arthur J. Mariano


(305) 421-4193
Arthur J. Mariano is a Professor of Physical Oceanography in the Department of Ocean Sciences at the University of Miami’s Rosenstiel School of Marine, Atmospheric, and Earth Science. Mariano is a mathematician who studies the ocean and his research interests are ocean currents, ocean prediction, data assimilation, Lagrangian data...

M Danielle McDonald

Associate Dean of Research

(305) 421-4856
Danielle McDonald is a Professor of Marine Biology and Ecology at the University of Miami’s Rosenstiel School of Marine, Atmospheric, and Earth Science. She is an expert in fish physiology and behavior with a focus on how physiology and behavior may change during times of environmental stress such as social stress, pollution...

John W McManus


(305) 421-4814
John W. McManus, PhD. is a Professor of Marine Biology and Ecology at the Rosenstiel School of the University of Miami, and PI of the Coral Reef Simulation Lab. He has a PhD in Biological Oceanography form the University of Rhode Island. He was the Director of the National Center for Coral Reef Research (NCORE) from 2000 - 2015. From 1993...

Liza Merly

Senior Lecturer

(305) 284-3629
Liza Merly is a senior lecturer of Marine Biology and Ecology at the University of Miami’s Rosenstiel School of Marine, Atmospheric, and Earth Science. She is interested in comparative immunology and marine biomedicine using diverse animal models. She is interested in the use of the shark as a model for the evolution of the vertebrate...

Peter J Minnett

Professor Emeritus

(305) 213-4198
Dr Minnett's research interests include infrared remote sensing from satellites, atmospheric effects and derivation of accurate sea-surface temperatures; ship-board infrared interferometric measurements of oceanic and atmospheric properties; studies of near-surface temperature structure in the ocean and atmosphere, and their influence on...

Renato Molina

Asst. Professor

(305) 421-4055
Renato Molina is an engineer and economist specializing in environmental and resource economics. His work focuses on topics at the intersection between game theory, sustainability, and institutional settings. His current research explores the role of property rights in the economic impact of natural disasters, the use of conservation for...

Mohammad Moniruzzaman

Asst. Professor

Mohammad ‘Monir’ Moniruzzaman is an Assistant Professor at the Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science. Monir’s research interest is focused on the molecular and eco-evolutionary aspects of virus-host interactions using both experimental and computational biology approaches.

Lisa Murphy Goes

Senior Lecturer
Atmospheric Science Program Director

(305) 421-4990
Hello! I hold a B.S. in Meteorology from the Pennsylvania State University and a M.S. and Ph.D. in Atmospheric and Oceanic Science from the University of Maryland. I believe combining both numerical modeling and paleoclimate data from multiple proxy records is the best way to understand how and why the Earth's climate changed in the past....

David S Nolan, Ph.D.


(305) 421-4930
David Nolan is a Professor in the Department of Atmospheric Sciences at the Rosenstiel School of Marine, Atmospheric, and Earth Science at the University of Miami. He is an expert on hurricanes, tropical meteorology, computer modeling of weather phenomena, and tornadoes. Nolan teaches courses on Atmospheric Dynamics, the General Circulation of...

Amanda Oehlert

Asst. Professor

(305) 421-4405
Amanda Oehlert is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Marine Geosciences (MGS) at the University of Miami’s Rosesntiel School of Marine, Atmospheric, and Earth Science. Her doctoral work focused on understanding geochemical records of global carbon cycling in a variety of depositional settings and diagenetic regimes. After...

Maria J Olascoaga


(305) 421-4647
Olascoaga was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, where she obtained a Licentiate in oceanography from Instituto Tecnológico de Buenos Aires (ITBA) in 1994. She then moved to Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico to pursue graduate education at Centro de Investigación Científica y de Educación Superior de Ensenada...

Marjorie F Oleksiak


(305) 421-4341
Margie Oleksiak is a Professor in the Department of Marine Biology and Ecology.  Her research focuses on the importance of biological variation and how populations adapt to environmental change.

Jessica Owley

Professor of Law
Faculty Director for the Environmental Law Program; Rosenstiel School of Marine, Atmospheric and Earth Sciences (secondary appointment); Abess Center for Ecosystem Science and Policy (affiliated faculty)

(305) 284-5284
Jessica Owley specializes in Environmental Law and Property Law, with a focus on Climate Change Law and Policy and oversees the Environmental Law Program. She is a leading expert on private land conservation and conservation easements. Her interdisciplinary work explores ways to mitigate and adapt to climate change as well as furthering other...

Tamay M Ozgokmen


(305) 421-4053
Tamay Ozgokmen is a Professor in the Department of Ocean Sciences at the University of Miami’s Rosenstiel School of Marine, Atmospheric, and Earth Science. He is interested in oceanographic studies that combine social impact with a grand scientific challenge. In particular, he strives to better understanding oil spills and...

Claire B Paris-Limouzy


(305) 421-4219
Claire Paris is a biological oceanographer with a diverse background in larval ecology, coastal oceanography, and numerical modeling. She has brought recognition to the key role of behavior of the pelagic larval stage in the connectivity of marine populations and the function of ecosystems. She leads a team of researchers and students at the...

Larry C. Peterson

Associate Dean of Undergraduate Education

(305) 421-4692
Larry Peterson is the Associate Dean of Undergraduate Education and a Professor in the Department of Marine Geosciences. Reconstruction of past oceans and climates from marine sediments; abrupt climate change; deep sea sedimentation processes; stable isotope geochemistry of foraminifera.

Kim Popendorf

Assoc. Professor

(305) 421-4328
I am a chemical oceanographer, interested in the role marine microbes play in global biogeochemical cycles, with an emphasis on linking the rates of chemical processes with the activity of microbes. Marine microbes are diverse, abundant, and dynamic. Their activity is instrumental in determining the magnitude and rate of fluxes of oxygen,...

Ali Pourmand

Assoc. Professor

(305) 421-4662
My research interests range from the Cosmos to the Benthos and the Underworld, with special focus on applications of isotope geochemistry and extraction chromatography in paleoclimatology, paleoceanography, geoarcheology and cosmochemistry.

Sam Purkis

and Chair of the Department of Marine Geosciences

(305) 421-4351
At a young age I was fortunate enough to stumble on a copy of Jacques Cousteau’s 1953 book “The Silent World”, which piqued my interest in everything underwater. Shortly thereafter, I saw his movie of the same name. I was hooked. At the earliest possible opportunity I learnt to SCUBA dive, becoming a diving...

Roland Romeiser


(305) 421-4645
Roland Romeiser is a Professor in the Ocean Sciences department at the University of Miami’s Rosenstiel School of Marine, Atmospheric, and Earth Science. He is working in the field of ocean remote sensing by radar, with emphasis on the interpretation of images from conventional and interferometric synthetic aperture radar (SAR) systems...

Michael C. Schmale

Director of The National Aplysia Resource

(305) 421-4140
Michael Schmale is a Professor of Marine Biology and Ecology and Director of The National Aplysia Resource. Dr. Schmale’s research interests are in the development and study of marine animal models of disease processes, with an emphasis on cancer and viral diseases.

Lynn Keith Shay


(305) 421-4075
Lynn K (Nick) Shay is a Professor of Oceanography in the Ocean Sciences Department at the University of Miami’s Rosenstiel School of Marine, Atmospheric, and Earth Science. Shay’s research focuses on mesoscale air-sea interactions and coastal ocean processes for both weak and strong winds such as tropical cyclones (e.g.,...

Manoj Shivlani

Senior Lecturer

(305) 421-4087
Dr. Manoj Shivlani is an environmental scientist and senior lecturer specializing in the social and policy dimensions of coastal and marine resource management. His focus areas include stakeholder theory, socio-ecological systems, fisheries socioeconomics, and international ocean management. His recent research has evaluated the effects of...

Paul Carl Sikkel

Research Professor

Paul Sikkel, PhD is a Research Professor at the University of Miami’s Rosenstiel School of Marine, Atmospheric, and Earth Sciences in the Department of Marine Biology and Ecology. His current research focus is on the ecology of host-parasite interactions in coral reef systems. Dr. Sikkel obtained his MSc (1990) and PhD (1993)...

Brian J Soden


(305) 421-4202
Position and Research Expertise Brian Soden is a Professor of Atmospheric Sciences at the University of Miami’s Rosenstiel School of Marine, Atmospheric, and Earth Science. He specializes in the use of satellite observations to test and improve computer simulations of Earth's climate. His areas of interest include understanding...

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